Friday, June 11, 2010

Annie "Gets" Her First Joke via Zingo

Today Annie, at three-and-a-half "got" her first joke! We were playing Annie's favorite game: Zingo (the game that Annie is so totally obsessed with these days she is constantly asking "Mamma (or whoever else is around), will you play Zingo with me?" Zingo is a game of bingo that involves filling up a whole card with plastic chips that you have to beat your opponents to procure. Anyway, there is a "bug" as one of the plastic chips. While we were playing today, none of us had a bug on our card, and Leia Rose said, "No buggy has this one! Hahahaha!" Suddenly, Annie's face lit up and she started laughing really hard saying, "No buggy! Hahahaha! No buggy and not nobody! Hahahaha!" It was just so fun to see that moment of epiphany!

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