Monday, June 28, 2010

Leia's Requests a Shower

Oh, my little first-born is truly growing up. Leia has been asking and asking to start "showering" instead of taking a bath with her sister. Today it happened: Leia's first "shower." I have a distinct memory of my own first shower, . . . and being upset that I didn't get all the shampoo all out of my hair with no one to instruct me how. I was determined that my daughter NOT have that negative memory, SO this first shower, I stood in between the clear and the cloth shower curtains and answered any questions (and gave suggestions when needed). Sure enough, Leia Rose left a few bubbles at the nape of her neck (my same problem!). She also had a distinct issue remembering to wash the hair directly above her ears (go figure). A couple of quick suggestions on my part, and we were set. I taught her everything from how to change the water flow, to how to avoid that first cold burst, to how to stand out of the stream while washing, to how to wash ALL over her hair, to how to reach for the towel and dry inside the stall so as not to get cold. And, of course, Leia wanted to dry her own hair as well. : )

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