Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bunny's Great Adventure

Tonight, on our evening boatride, something TRULY amazing happened: a saint truly interceded to save Annie's precious bunny aptly named "Peri" but who Annie has simply taken to calling "bunny." We were traveling east on Lake Murray and had reached the spot where the lake branches out into the Saluda River and the Little Saluda River. At first, Annie nonchalantly mentioned that she dropped "bunny." We all said "WHAT!?!" And suddenly, it hit Annie that she had dropped bunny in the WATER, and it was almost completely dark outside. We all panicked at once, Annie with tears streaming down her face, holding her arms out to the water screaming, "Bunny! . . . . .BUNNY! . . . . . . BUNNY!!!!" Quite frankly, there was no hope. No one was sure where Annie dropped the rabbit, and even if we were sure, we weren't sure that a bunny like that would remain on the top of the water. Still, we all started frantically looking around. Suddenly, I picked Annie up in her panic and took her to the back of the boat. I got down on her level and held her upper arms and said, "Annie, you and I need to pray now. We need to pray that Saint Anthony and your Great Grandpa Henel help you find your bunny, . . . and if we don't find your bunny, that a poor child find it, . . . one that needs it more than you." We prayed. Even Annie in her panic prayed. (And as it turns out, even though Oma was unaware of what we were doing at the moment, SHE was praying, too.) I was calmer then, although sad, not only because Annie had lost her bunny but because bunny was wearing Mary's skirt (Mary was a treasured doll that I played with as a child). Still, I suggested that IF bunny didn't sink and IF Annie had lost it at the fork in the river, then we should just turn the lights on and weave back and forth until we covered the whole area, I mean what was the harm in that? Everyone was searching. Suddenly Leia and Oma yelled out at the exact same time, "THERE IT IS"! It was right in front of the boat. Images of the Titanic "hard to starboard" kept running through my head. And Papa yelled to Brian, "Stop! STOP! . . . Ope, he ran over it." Brian had run over bunny. But now bunny was floating BEHIND the boat! Brian circled around, and both Oma and Mamma lay on the outside of the pontoon with our arms in the water, vowing that one of us would catch it. Slowly now, slowly, the boat approached bunny, . . . and I scooped her up! And can you believe that bunny still had her hair bows AND Mary's ancient dress?!? Even after being run over by a boat and being in the water for half an hour?!? Oh, there was a lot of happy cheers and thankful prayers coming from the boat THAT night! None of us could believe it, not even little Annie who was SO happy to have bunny back! . . . although a little put out that bunny was so very wet. So on the beautiful and dark ride back home, I asked Annie if she understood what happened here, and how it meant that her prayers were answered by God through the intercession of Saint Anthony, . . . and that her Great Grandpa Henel (also partial always to Saint Anthony) was sure to have helped, too. And ALL of her family there had some part in helping to save bunny. I'm not sure if her little mind could grasp the greatness, but her story wasn't far off: "I dropped bunny. I cried hard for bunny! We looked for bunny! [Large pause.] Pray to 'Sain' Anthony, . . . and found bunny! Mamma caught bunny!" (and if you look at the final picture) "We washed bunny. . . . But how can I hold bunny when I go to sleep?!? [Tears] Please put him in my arms when he is dry!" We did. Thank you God for your infinite blessings of bunnies, and as Annie says almost every day before dinner and before bedtime, "Thank you God for all the pets."

1 comment:

Nina said...

GREAT story!!!!

We had a "similar" prayer answered recently. Cathi had gone into a party store to get party goods for a 1 year old. The Odyssey does not cool well while parked. It needs to be moving. It was well over 100, so I drove around and around the parking lot with all the kids. We were all getting tired of going in circles, though I varied our direction, so I prayed aloud that Cathi would there on our next trip past the store. She WAS!!!!