Friday, December 17, 2010

1st Annual Family Advent Bonfire

Ever since I started dating Brian, he always spoke about the special get-togethers between friends growing up in Newberry at Christmastime. Brian always wanted the same gathering of his own. This year it came true!!! We decided to create this Family Advent Bonfire and to invite all of our family friends in the area in order to do the Advent Wreath, eat some holiday treats, play some games, and sing around the bonfire. Being the first year, there were a couple of glitches, ... such as getting the food out to the fire pit, the length of time it took to get the fire roaring, and the lack of lighting in order to see the words of the carols, ... but for the most part it was a GRAND success! This year we invited the Scotts, the Konslers, the Retzbachs, and the Stalkers (i.e. the kids being Logan, Liam, Morgan, Will, Aundrea, Amanda, Alexis, Aubrie, Aurelia, Matthew, and Quinten.) After all of the festivities, we ended up having a special time just as a family as the friends all left, ... and Leia Rose loved wearing Logan's Canadian mittens that she found (and eventually returned). It was such fun that we can't wait until next year! (And Annie was such a trooper! ... at one point, she got so tired that she went inside and tucked herself into bed clothes and all!)

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