Thursday, December 2, 2010

Leia's Big Mistake

Long story short: Leia Rose reached over in class today and CUT OFF A CHUNK OF MORGAN KONSLER'S HAIR!!! For goodness sake! Her best school friend!?! We STILL don't know what Leia was thinking when she did this. LEIA doesn't even know. She was just enthralled by Morgan's hair while she was still working on her math paper (and Leia had finished). I guess Leia just wanted to see what happened. Leia said, "at least I told her I did it." Morgan didn't know. As soon as Morgan found out, though, she freaked, ... thinking it was a huge chunk. Well, it was kind of a huge chunk, ... about 50 strands or so. No doubt Leia had to be severely punished for this. First, Leia had to collect up all the scissors in the house to be put away until January 1 (which meant no Christmas "projects" that she loves so much). Second, Leia had to write a long letter of apology and include it with a small gift (which ended up being "I'm Sorry" cookies). Third, Leia had to pay for Morgan's next hair appointment. She did chores for months to earn that money. Finally, Leia would have to confess this in her First Reconciliation.

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