Saturday, December 4, 2010

Our Girls in the Christmas Parade

Well, today was the absolute WORST weather ever for a Christmas parade, ... but the girls weren't going to let it damper their spirits (until they were out in it, anyway). Annie was waving from the Mountain Sun Community School float and Leia was waving from the Pisgah Dance Academy float. Both of them did a SPECTACULAR job despite the weather (and despite the fact that it was their first year and they didn't realize that being IN the parade meant you couldn't SEE the parade). I was told to watch the paper the next day, because the newspaper photographer zoomed in on Annie quite a bit. And, of course, it wouldn't be the parade without the High School Band! You can tell a lot about a school from the look of its band, ... this particular one looks really awesome. Grandma, Grandpa, and I had it best, actually. We spent the entire time at Dugan's Pub until the girls' floats came by! Grandpa thought this picture of us in front of the pub was really funny.

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