Thursday, August 13, 2009

Fletcher Park with Logan

Today was a wonderful day at Fletcher Park with Logan and Liam. Our families are becoming fast friends. (How can we not, considering that Leia and Logan refer to themselves as "boyfriend and girlfriend." Oh my.) : ) In regards to Annie's nakedness, the sensory child that she is, I knew that a fall in the creek in her clothes would be a disaster. Nakedness was my tantrum prevention. It worked. : )
Logan was VERY proud of his living clam! : )
Ah, and here is a picture of Leia Rose and Logan kissing. ; ) It's all about childhood innocence: Leia's precursor to the understanding of that wonderful mystery of love. This mystery was spoken of a lot this summer with the marriage of April and Ben (and yes, Leia Rose drew a picture of April and Ben kissing, too.) : ) Heck, Logan has told his family, "I am going to marry Leia Rose, Mamma!" When asked why, he replies, "Because she loves me." Logan's and Leia's moms' thoughts on the subject? Pretty simple: we should BE so lucky that our kids choose each other someday! : )


Nina said...

WHAT???!!!!! Has she forgotten Kevin already????? sigh...

Codruta said...

They are so cute! I am happy you got to have play dates during the Summer!