Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Annie's First Sin

Learning to be a good little Catholic girl is so very hard! Poor little Annie! This is just something I had to record, . . . it's the first time that Annie did something that she knew was wrong, and knew it was against what Mamma wanted, . . . and did it anyway. Her first real instance of disobeying. : ( Here is the story: Mamma was in her room folding the laundry and Annie came in and asked, "Mamma can I have this snack?" It was a pack of pop tarts. I said, "Absolutely not, Annie. You are not allowed to have ANY snack right now. As soon as I am done folding this laundry, I am making dinner." Annie got mad and slammed the door. As if that wasn't enough, she went immediately to Leia Rose and asked her to open the pack. Five minutes later, when I was done folding, I came out to find Annie chomping on those pop tarts. She had disobeyed her Mamma, . . . and she went right in the corner. Someday, before her First Reconciliation, I will remind her of this so that her first confession will be a "real" one.

1 comment:

Codruta said...

As I was saying before, can you please leave religion to me!