Monday, April 26, 2010

Evening Fun

These late spring days contain lots of fun for us after dinner in the evenings. Many nights the girls and I will don our dress-up clothes and dance wildly to Cyndi Lauper. On other nights we go outside and do the "spider" on our three-story tree-swing. These are the times to remember!


Nina said...

3-story tree swing!!!! Who hung it and HOW???

Noelle said...

We had the idea from when we first moved in, and we had a handyman do it. It was fairly easy though, just a rock tied to a rope and a simple slip-knot. Probably could have done it ourselves, . . . the trick was finding a heavy duty enough swing to last. I did a lot of research for that one. : )

Codruta said...

Cyndi Lauper? I knew we had something else in common!