Sunday, April 11, 2010

North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences

I just think this first picture perfectly captures the wonder that my girls (and especially Annie) experienced when entering the museum today. Annie's favorite exhibit: the seahorses! Oh my, it was running from room to room, exhibit to exhibit, in order to take it all in. All with wonder, . . . the beautiful childhood wonder. : ) In regards to the second picture, Annie ran over to this huge rotating globe and exclaimed, "Look Mamma! It's the planet we live on!!!" (Again, just LOVE that wonder!) Then I approached Annie and said, "Do you know what planet that is, Annie?" . . . hoping she would say "Earth." Nope, instead it was, "Oh, . . . no Mamma, I don't know THAT." LOL. And it's always neat to see the big whale skeletons hanging in the main area. We couldn't spend that long at the museum, though. As the last few pictures show, . . . we shared our visit today with Kevin because we were really there for another reason. : )

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