Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Morning 2010

Here are the girls on Easter morning wearing Mamma's present to them: a new set of nighties from The Princess and the Frog. They loved them so much, I let them wear those nighties the whole day (until Mass, that is). We began the morning by thanking Jesus for the absolute most important thing that ever happened: His death on the Cross (that forgave us our sins) and His rising from the dead (that gave us eternal life). With our priorities straight, then, it was time to find some candy! Funny thing about this morning was the 14 inch chocolate rabbits that the Easter Bunny left, . . . well, I didn't even get to take a picture before the girls ate part of them. Ha! Also, Leia and Annie laughed really hard to find an egg by Peri's cage filled with broccoli! As well as the Easter Bunny's traditional egg-behind-the-toilet! It wasn't long before we moved outside to hunt for eggs in the yard. Since most of these eggs were dinosaur themed, Leia Rose took to giving a big "ROAR" every time she found one. And Annie wasn't quite sure what to think when she found one shaped as a scary shark! Later, both girls laughed to find a special tri-color egg the Easter Bunny had left for Oma with only licorice jelly beans inside! (Oma loves licorice jelly beans.) And the very last thing to be found was the little egg with a face left in our special, new egg holder shaped like a bunny. : )

1 comment:

Nina said...

Perfect Easter!

Wow! That is quite the hill you live on!