Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday 2010

One has to understand that everything, throughout this entire Lenten season, has been marred by sickness for the family. This culminated in a horrible bout of congestion for the entire family that sent everyone in to the doctor for antibiotics and Mamma into the hospital to check for pneumonia. As a result, Mamma was devastated to have to confine our Good Friday activities to our home, but it just had to be so because of our sickness. So here we are doing our own Stations of the Cross at home together. We also watched parts of Ben Hur, Jesus of Nazareth, The Passion of the Christ, and all of Jesus Christ Superstar. And, of course, we did the full set of 18 Resurrection Eggs. : ) During the Stations, when we got to "Jesus is Nailed to the Cross," I got out the closest thing I could think of to the nail the soldiers must have used: an old, antique railroad spike. I was trying to explain to them how it must have hurt Jesus for his hands and feet to be pierced by something this large. Annie kept saying, "Don't really poke me, Mamma."

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