Saturday, April 24, 2010

Baby Goat Day at Mountain Farm

Today we went to pet the baby goats at Mountain Farm on Baby Goat Day! After doing a lot of petting, it wasn't long before we found the room where they take the goat milk soap out of the molds, the newest newborn baby goats, AND the angora rabbits! Annie was THRILLED! Unfortunately, the angoras were more skittish than our Peri, so Annie just kept reaching for them as they skittered around the cage. Annie even found a stick with two prongs, put it on top of her head and said, "Look, Mamma! I'm a goat!" : ) Then it was time for milking! Leia went first and did it like a pro, . . . and then it was Annie's turn. As soon as Annie was reassured she wouldn't get messy, Annie did it, too! : ) Just look at how lovingly Leia Rose helps her little sister. I was SO proud of both of my girls! And after milking the mamma goat, it was time to feed the baby goats their mamma's milk from bottles. : ) Then we frolicked around the farm, looking at the sheep and even the lavender labyrinth which wasn't quite in bloom yet. Brian looked at the first ridge of the Smokies in the background and said, "That looks just like Hawaii!" That brought our memories back to our honeymoon, . . . so we took a few pictures. : )


Nina said...

I'm glad the goats didn't eat any of their clothing!!!

Look at the lovey, dovey parents!!! :) :)

Sarah said...

So sad I couldn't be there to play with you guys! Looks like fun

Codruta said...

You can really find the best of everything for your family! I really mean that!