Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Annie's "Mamma Day"

And, likewise, Annie had her very special "Mamma Day" today! To celebrate we went to the children's museum right downtown! (Oh, and to McDonalds, where I let Annie get the entire selection of "Pet Shops.") The activites at this museum are phenomenal. First, one must look at everything bunny oriented: Annie drew chalk bunnies, painted a bunny, shook pom-poms asa bunny cheerleader, gave herself bunny ears while she posed by a bunny, but my personal favorite is that she made a bunny out of the architectural building blocks! (You can find each example below.) In addition to the huge bubbles, grocery store, music room, washer racing, and puppet theater, . . . by far, Annie's favorite activity of the day was the Apple Farm, where she would load wooden apples onto a conveyor belt, hoist it up into the factory, and "plop-plop-roll" listen to the sound of the apples rolling into the baskets for sale. : )

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