Thursday, August 19, 2010

Meet the Teacher at Mountain Sun

It is with great pride and joy that we announce that our little Annie will be going to Montessori School this year, just like her sister did before her, and just like her Mamma did before THAT! Today, "Meet the Teacher Day," was Annie's first experience with the Montessori method, and I am happy to say that she is THRILLED! As we looked around the room, we saw all of the familiar Montessori materials that we were all so familiar with, plus some additional areas inspired by the Waldorf method. Annie was immediately drawn to all of the "animal works" while Leia reveled in the nostalgia of it all, finding the geometric shapes as well as the infamous pink tower. It was really neat to see Annie already try her hand at the "workbench" that her sister always loved so dearly. Annie's new teachers, Shana and Tina, even used the dress up scarves to make Annie into a "bunny" while she was there. And there was no one happier than Annie when she found the bunny within the "wooden animal work" which she would continue to play with as one of her "works" every single day. (And although, yes, Annie did encounter a bully by the second week of school which I think did affect her initial impression of education, he was gone so quickly from the school itself, that her love for school grew and grew until it now rivals Leia's.)


Nina said...

They kicked a bully out ASAP??? :-0

Unknown said...

Oh, never would we kick a child out! A "bully" at that age would need love more than anyone. The parents were leaving the area, and the child was pulled out-- maybe inconsistency in routine had him feeling insecure. If only we had the opportunity, he would have blossomed, I am sure!