Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Returning from Williamsburg

Even with all of the fun we had, I can't even express how much I missed Annie over the past weekend. : ( The culmination was the Pelham Harpsichorc Concert (I have no idea why) when I found myself crying for my littlest one. Little did I know that Annie was having a bunny blast with Oma and Papa and Daddy! Annie was as happy as pie to get some special presents, like the marble game called "The Captain's Mistress" (which is really like connect-four if you actually play it), a book about little animals in Williamsburg called "A Horse's Tale," and Annie's favorite: Eric (really "Garrick") the Gardener! And, of course, Leia Rose was ever-so-ready to doodle a picture of Felicity's horse, Penny, in her copybook.

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