Saturday, August 21, 2010

Leia's Awesome Inventions

Leia Rose was truly inspired by a unit in her first grade Social Studies book about inventions by kids. In fact, she was SO inspired that she CREATED two inventions herself. It was a goal of ours to take her plans for those two inventions and make them by the end of the summer in order to send them in to and to get them produced and marketed. We are currently waiting for their reply. ; ) Still, today it was mission accomplished! Here are Leia's "Rain Jug" (a device that collects rain and directly deposits that water into a watering can for easy usage) and "Peony Holder" (a device that holds heavy peony flowers upright, even in the rain) as well as part of the article from her textbook that inspired her.

1 comment:

Nina said...

The rain catcher is pure genius! I can't see/figure out the peony holder. I just have peony racks, but the blooms still droop down. Tell me more!