Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Leia's Second Grade Orientation

Looking forward to having Mrs. McCaslin this year! An absolutely wonderful (albeit strict) teacher who isn't afraid to keep everyone in line! (Yeah!) And don't think I didn't check the kids' cubbies for any names that we didn't want to return. (Keeping in mind the school's new policies on keeping parents out of the classroom entirely as well as the double standard for kids with behavioral problems, it simply comes down to precisely who is in the class and who is teaching it.) Looks like it's going to be a good year still with less than 20 kids and absolutely NO concerns! And the behavior due to a little bit older age of the students is a lot less rowdy! That equals easier concentration for Leia and STELLAR math grades! Yay! It's gonna be a GREAT year! Now to pray that things are just as great for Annie when she arrives here, . . .
Something else that must be mentioned is the brand new playground! Yeah, we've been waiting more than a year for this one. Remember "Bunny Bakery" in the mud beside the blacktop which was the kids' playground for over a year?!?

1 comment:

Nina said...

Oh, my.... I would have been stunned if presented with that playground! I did NOT do climbing!!! The swings -- yeah... but there isn't one other thing here I could/would do!!!! What does that say about me? LOL