Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Fairy Bunny Princess & the Bean Stalk: an Original Story by Annie

Once upon a time, there was a Fairy Bunny Princess who lived in a Green Cottage in the woods. A prince and a princess lived in a castle nearby. One day the prince and princess took a long journey to the Green Cottage to ask for something special to grow. The prince joked that we could grow "rosemary" or "tyme" or "BASIL!" But princess suggested we allow Fairy Bunny Princess to choose. She chose beans. Green beans. Magic green beans. The prince and the princess knocked on the door of the Green Cottage and the Fairy Bunny Princess appeared, lavishing us with her green beans (that looked astonishingly like playdoh worms) and told us, "Plant these and something magical will happen!" The prince chimed in, "Should I plant them in the toilet?" "No!" said the Fairy Bunny Princess. "Should I plant them in my nose?" "No!" said the Fairy Bunny Princess. "Should I plant them in between my toes?" "No!" said the Fairy Bunny Princess.

Then the Fairy Bunny Princess waved her magic wand and said, "Mamma, I disappear your jokes!"

She then led us to a plot of soft ground in which to plant the beans. Here she told us, "These beans will grow into a huge stalk that has a pool at the top and jewels and rides, oh, and lots of food!" The beans started growing (the playdoh started morphing) and the "stalk" grew (as a scarf, anyway) to the sky. We climbed the scarf and enjoyed its pleasured and then climbed down and lived happily ever after.

Such was the "dream" that Annie imagined during her nap today. We were all glad to make it come true. (And I don't think Leia and I have EVER laughed so much. Leia at my silly jokes. And me at Annie's disappear comment!) Every time I asked Annie the name of her story she said something different. Here are a few of her names: The Stalk of the Fairy Bunny Princess, The Stalk Bean Bunny Princess, The Bunny of the Green Cottage, The Bunny Princess of the Bean Stalk.

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