Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Wacky Day (In More Ways Than One)

Was it a wacky day because the girls were enjoying their pastime of sitting in the dirty laundry(!?!) ... or was it truly Immaculata Wacky Day during Catholic Schools Week where a Punky Brewster-esque, Ballerina Darth Vader appeared?

Monday, May 30, 2011

A Favorite Pastime w/ Daddy

The girls LOVE to watch Daddy play video games on the Wii. (Less interested in playing themselves, ... and more interested in setting up all of their guys to "watch.") : )

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Leia's Recital 2011: Music Box Dancer

Such a beautiful recital this year at the Diana Wortham Theater! (Does the dressing room bring back Nutcracker memories?) Leia danced beautifully to "Music Box Dancer." We were so proud! Afterwards, she received the trophy for four full years of dance, ... which means Leia has been a ballerina for HALF HER LIFE! Afterwards, as is our tradition when Leia is in a big show, we moved to Barley's Taproom to celebrate, ... and I cried when I gave her the special music box that Papa gave me when I was little and danced ballet. It plays "Music Box Dancer." Congratulations, Leia! We are so proud of you!

Note: Notice Leia's ripped recital dress on stage? That happens when you make a little kid wait 4.5 hours away from her parents in preparation for the LAST act of the recital (that we had to PAY to see). As a result, we will be leaving Pisgah Dance and allowing Leia to enter a new, Christian oriented ballet school called A Time for Dance.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Window Into Annie's Mountain Sun

Thank you Shana, Tina, & Julie for giving us this window into a full year of Annie's world at Mountain Sun! The first is my very favorite. VERY Annie, ... putting blossoms and leaves into the creek to watch them float gently away. You can see everything here, ... all the teachers, ... even the hand-washing line & the class pet (Bella the guinea pig).

Friday, May 20, 2011

Annie's May Day at Mountain Sun!

I ADORE this picture of Annie at May Day, ... with her decorated bunny ears and her fairy wand and her flutter wings, ... and her little fairy face! : ) It wasn't long before that face was painted and the fairy wand was even MORE flowery! BUT look at how Annie BEGAN the day: kitty hat w/roses. What happened to that? Not enough, I see with her love of bunnies! Even Shana & Tina (Annie's teachers) got into the action with a neat play, ... but the highlight of any May Day is always the Maypole!!! And WOW did Mountain Sun have a GREAT one! : )