Sunday, May 29, 2011

Leia's Recital 2011: Music Box Dancer

Such a beautiful recital this year at the Diana Wortham Theater! (Does the dressing room bring back Nutcracker memories?) Leia danced beautifully to "Music Box Dancer." We were so proud! Afterwards, she received the trophy for four full years of dance, ... which means Leia has been a ballerina for HALF HER LIFE! Afterwards, as is our tradition when Leia is in a big show, we moved to Barley's Taproom to celebrate, ... and I cried when I gave her the special music box that Papa gave me when I was little and danced ballet. It plays "Music Box Dancer." Congratulations, Leia! We are so proud of you!

Note: Notice Leia's ripped recital dress on stage? That happens when you make a little kid wait 4.5 hours away from her parents in preparation for the LAST act of the recital (that we had to PAY to see). As a result, we will be leaving Pisgah Dance and allowing Leia to enter a new, Christian oriented ballet school called A Time for Dance.

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