Friday, May 13, 2011

Pre-First Communion Tradition: Bread Mass

Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church has a very special tradition preceding a child's First Eucharist, something called "The Bread Mass." Here is what it said in the bulletin about it:

Children preparing to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time ahve given out some type of bread, w hich they and t heir families have baked. The children were asked to give this bread to someone they do not know. If you receive bread from one of these children, please keep this child and his/her family in your prayers during their preparation for the celebration of Frist Eucharist. If you wish to remember this child with a card on their First Communion Day, May 14, 2011 please send it to the child in care of Sandy Donecho, Director of Faith Formation. For those attending another Mass, please keep these children and their families in your prayers as they prepare to join us at the table of the Lord.

Leia Rose baked banana bread. On the top of the bread was this note: " This bread was baked with love, given with love, and to be shared with love just as the sacrament of the Eucharist is to be shared with one another with love. As Leia Rose prepares to receive the sacrament of First Eucharist, please keep her in your prayers. Blessings!" During the Mass, Father Nick asked all of the children to come up to the altar and have the bread blessed. Then Leia Rose gave her bread to a nice, elderly couple. Later, Leia said, "Mamma, I had my eyes on this one lady for the whole time. They were far on the side of the church, but I just knew that Jesus wanted me to give my bread to them, so I did!"

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