Monday, September 25, 2023

Florida 2023 : The Boulevard of Champions

 The boulevard of champions is the road that my neighborhood was connected to. This is the neighborhood where I grew up from age 0 to age 6. I was looking for the apartment in Pompano where I was first born, but neither of my parents could remember where that was.  It was amazing that I found my house simply from the memories when I was 5. But here it is, on Seaview Road.  I knew I could find it because it was on a very prominent corner lot.
The boulevard of champions itself had these strange sculptures out in the front of it. I never really knew what they were, but now I think they represent first second and third place.

 I don't remember there being any trees in the backyard when I was there, only the 2 story swing set my dad built.
 Over the fence here was my backyard, and dear God, the fence! I am pretty sure this is the original fence in that it was in a huge state of disrepair.
 This was the sight of my fifth birthday party with the Ernie cake from sesame street, and many fun times with friends when I was little.
 I also had to take a picture of the sewer grate out front which still had the railroad ties that mom put there. The reason why this is significant is because it was the reason I was spanked the only time I was. My mom had just gotten me white sesame street shoes, and I decided to wear them and balance on these railroad ties but stepped in the mud beside them. Mom got so mad that she spanked me.

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