Monday, September 25, 2023

Florida 2023 : Shorty's Barbecue

 And finally was the main reason why I came down to Fort Lauderdale in the first place, Shorty's barbecue! This is their secondary location, the original one is in Miami which was the 1 my dad went to in the 1940s with his parents and had the same waitress, Wilma, until I was in grade school. The reason why I wanted to go here is I wanted to get a huge amount of barbecue and freeze it for my dad. I wanted to make his 80th birthday the best birthday ever by bringing him his favorite barbecue! Yes, I would have to freeze it until October, but it is worth it! I have memories of going here as a young teen and to the one in Miami as a young child. Very good memories with all of the Compare family.

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