Monday, September 25, 2023

Florida 2023 : Saint Thomas, Las Olas & Pine Crest

 Today I also went to visit my high school, saint Thomas Aquinas. All the schools I went to visit gave me a route awakening because of all of the school shootings in our country. When I went to these schools they were all out in the open and you could walk anywhere. Now they all have huge 12 foot fences made of iron or concrete. There was no getting inside without permission and there were police stationed outside of each of them. I suppose I could have gone to the office and asked to take some photos, but I thought outside pictures might be enough.
 Next I went to a famous street and downtown for Lauderdale called Las Olas .   This was the place I would frequent when I was a junior and senior in high school mostly trying to catch a glimpse of my favorite teacher and crush Mr. Balkcom.  But there were many times that my friends and I would go to the art festival there as well.

 And if you had told me that I would see this house someday when I was in high school, I would have gone crazy. This is Mr. Balkcom's house. I wasn't brave enough to knock on the door or call because it sounded too much like a stalker.  But quite frankly, we have been friends ever since I left high school. This was the place that I wished that I could go when I was 16 and 17.
 And this is Saint Coleman Catholic Church.  It was where I was baptized 49 years ago, 5 days after my birth. There is a picture of mom and dad holding me by these very Stone grates.
 Then I went to Pinecrest. Pine Crest day camp was my workplace of choice and camp of choice from fourth grade all the way until I graduated college. Every single summer this is where I was!  I learned so much about the jewish faith here and socialization. I also learned that I wanted to be a teacher. But unfortunately, I couldn't go and take pictures because they too had a huge fence.

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