Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Fourth of July 2009

Oh there's no doubt that we had fun at the Longshores on 7/4 as we always do, . . . but the big deal about THIS July 4 was Grandma's and Grandpa's new pontoon boat!!! This boat is so amazing that Brian went down a whole day early just to have a self-proclaimed "fiddle fest." Ha! We loved absolutely everything about this boat, . . . which is rightfully called an "Aqua Patio." Ha! It has so many seats and is just so very comfortable! We just thank Grandma and Grandpa so much for allowing us to come and experience it on beautiful Lake Murray with them! : ) You know what though? Leia Rose CRIED because she missed the old boat! We are guessing it's because she used to sit up front, lean over, and make up a song that she would sing each trip, remember? *sigh* But this time she refused to make up a song. "It isn't the same," she said. Poor Leia Rose. She was also absolutely disgusted with the Lake Murray fireworks from the boat. So she wouldn't even snuggle with me that night, . . . so you'll see lots of pictures with Annie and I snuggling. No doubt, Leia was spoiled by the fireworks of "Wishes" at Disney World! : ) Mamma just wasn't up for booking it into town for the college ones this year, . . . I was just TOO tired from traveling and rushing all the time. You will also see Leia's monkey named "Moko" make a transformation to a money named "Moka" because Leia made her a dress, . . . and a first for Annie: a cup of her very own soda! She was in heaven! And finally, the coolest science-oriented thing I saw this weekend was the tree that was struck by lighting out front! The scar traveled in a swirl (like a candy cane) right to the ground! Fascinating!!!

1 comment:

Nina said...

That is the nicest pontoon boat I have ever seen! That is Grant's dream boat. Mine is a pedal boat. ha! You mean you went skiing with a pontoon boat? Nothing like Furman's! ha!