Friday, July 31, 2009

The Secret Helper's Club

We have been reading all about Kit Kittridge (the little American Girl living in the Depression era of the 1930s). To combat poverty, Kit came up with an idea called "The Secret Helpers Club": Kit and her friend would make up a care package to put on the doorstep of poor families, and then run away because they didn't feel like they needed recognition. It is a wonderful idea that TRULY insipred Leia Rose! She immediately wanted to do this! And not that our neighbors are poor (Ha!) because they aren't, but she still wanted to help them, . . . so she drew each of them a nice picture, picked two ripe red apples, placed them on their doorsteps, and then ran away. Well, Sharon guessed who had done this. ; ) She called up to thank Leia Rose, . . . who didn't want any recognition. I think it's safe to say that Leia is well on her way to a life of helping others! I asked Leia Rose who ELSE was happy about her today, and she answered correctly: Jesus. : )

1 comment:

Nina said...

That is VERY sweet! Do you know the tradition of May Day and Maybaskets (paper baskets filled with flowers)? Similar thing except they are for people you love (or your lover) rather than people in need. It is something we did in my small hometown as a kid, and I had my children do it too. Karin was more into it than Greg. ha!