Friday, July 24, 2009

Visiting with Nina & Grant

On the way home from Buffalo, we were also lucky to have a wonderful brunch with Nina and Grant (Karin's parents). They were spending the week on the Finger Lakes at Chautauqua, NY (which I still can't pronounce correctly), so we were able to see them!

It has been an added blessing in my life to have become such close friends with them both that began long ago with the friendship between Karin and myself.

1 comment:

Nina said...

Thanks! It is an added blessing to add you to our close friends! :)
Gee... I hate my hair in this picture! I went to my hair stylist the week after this and told him to go crazy. ha! He had glee and gleem in his eyes! So I am a new me now. Not sure how much I like the new me either.