Friday, July 3, 2009

Visiting Karin

Today we visited Karin for the first time since her death. I felt peace all around me during this visit. I find it incredibly amazing that in the emotion of Karin's death, I actually remembered how to get to her grave, . . . so much so that I actually drove right up to it. No mistakes. Amazing! I began by asking Leia Rose and Annie whether they wanted to come. They did. Leia Rose felt really strongly about giving Karin the flowers, so she very respectfully placed them on her grave. Then we prayed together.
And quite honestly, Karin's gravemarker is the most beautiful gravemarker that I have EVER seen!!! Do you know what I really like about it? Words are words, but pictures are worth 1000. Every single person, now and forever, who stops by here will know Karin at least in some small way. Period. They will connect a face with a name, and possibly never forget it. Kevin's great grandchildren can come here and know Karin. I am floored. Further, it was so strange to be standing there, after heartfelt prayer, hoping that I actually have the honor of having the same type of gravemarker someday. Well, everyone knows that I always looked up to Karin. : )
And then there was the amazing moment when I noticed that the usual flowers adorning her grave are none other than stargazer lillies. That wasn't an accident. : )
Until next time, dear friend. I'll miss you!

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