Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Visiting Great Grandma Betty +

Then it was on to Buffalo to visit our wonderful Great Grandma Betty! It's hard to explain how wonderful it is to have BOTH of my children know and love their Great Grandmother: a blessing that not many young children have today.

The girls loved exploring the great room, . . .

And playing some puzzles with Great Grandma . . .

. . . and even making more fairy projects!
Not to mention jumping on the bed at the Lord Amherst hotel (where we always stay).

The surprise of this visit was that Leia Rose lost another tooth right at the breakfast with Great Grandma at the Lord Amherst!

Here is Annie's napping spot, right in Great Grandma Betty's room complete with her collecition of holy water fonts (so fun to look at)!

And Great Grandma treated the girls to some fun color and activity books!

And it wasn't long before we were off to Auntie Terry's to play with the water table there.

And meet our newest second cousin name Marra! (Here she is with her mom, Nikki!)

And here is Marra's daddy: my cousin, David.

Here's another new addition to the family as well: Dominic! Dominic is Rick's and Terry's grandchild (Rick and Terry are my aunt and uncle). What a sweetheart!


Nina said...

Guess what! I have a Hummel holy water thing. I didn't know what it was when I bought it; I just liked the Hummel. I thought it was a little planter for an air fern or something. Someone told me in recent years what it really is! :-0

Codruta said...

How great that the girls got to see their Great Grandmother!