Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Annie's Poopie & Potty Pupcake Party

Well, Annie has finally learned to poop in the potty chair (a week or so before she turns three)! I promised her, when that happened, she could have a "Poop & Potty Pupcake Party" to celebrate! So here we are, . . . complete with lemon yellow cupcakes representing yellow potty and chocolate brown cupcakes representing brown poopie. : ) The honored guest was Annie's friend Aubrey, . . . and Annie colored the invitations herself. Annie baked the cupcakes while Leia, who really wanted to be a part of this as well, got to frost and sprinkle them. (Leia Rose was also inspired to create her own invite and party for her doll Flora.) : ) When we arrived home from taking Leia to school, the first stop was the rocking horse in the basement before it was up for the cupcakes! Next was something very special. Since Annie has become incredibly beholden to our singing goat puppet, . . . but she had never seen the actual puppet show featuring the same song from The Sound of Music, I thought today would be a perfect day to introduce it as part of the party. The girls LOVED the puppet show!!! Aubrey brought a wonderful Potty Princess Crown Craft for the girls to do, . . . and then it was time for a sing-along with Mamma's guitar. Finally came the panty presents: a perfect gift for my potty-trained princess! And what a better way to end the party than with Annie's favorite Library Storytime!

1 comment:

Codruta said...

Noelle, what can I say? You are one creative Mamma! It looks like everybody had a great time! what were you singing for them?