Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day 2009

Just look at this beautiful photo of Grandma and Leia Rose! What a wonderful representation of our wonderful, relaxing Labor Day vacation to Lake Murray! Here they are on Grandma's beautiful new pontoon boat while they share their favorite snack: boiled peanuts! : ) You'll see a few new creative pastimes from this trip including Leia's stegosaurus/t-rex shadow puppets and Annie's bunny-"blewed" activity (where Anne would stand at the front of the boat and let "purple bunny" get blown, or "blewed," to the back, . . . and yes, we did lose "blue bunny" that way) and Daddy's let's-play-a-new-game-called-do-what-daddy-does (which involved Daddy simply stopping the boat in a random cove and jumping off to swim)! : ) There was one evening when we saw the moon rise from the boat. The color? Blood red! So interesting! There was also a time when Grandpa spotted a great blue heron and showed the girls, . . . not to mention Leia's new favorite boat activity: driving with Grandpa's help. At the end, Annie became a "big girl" in her new booster seat (as opposed to the baby car seat). I just can't thank Grandma and Grandpa enough for this wonderful and relaxing vacation!


Nina said...

It is the atmosphere that makes a red moon, but you have to be at a level place where you can see the moon rise on the horizon to see it. I grew up among the foothills of the Allegany Mnts., so I never saw it until 5th gr. when we were in NYC. We were at the top of the Empire State Bldg., and the moon was normal color by the time we were on the ground, so I thought it had to do with being in a tall bldg. ha!
GREAT pix. GREAT time!!! Happy for you all!

Codruta said...

It looks like you had a wonderful time!The boat, the swimming, the red moon, and the boiled peanuts! Were you boating in the South? Great memories, Noelle!