Saturday, September 12, 2009

Apple Pickin' Time 2009

It was back to Sky Top Apple Orchard this fall to pick some yummy apples! : ) Oh, what a different feeling this year: a feeling of peace and serenity! (Last year, although we had a fun trip, we were in the middle of establishing our new life here and very stressed out.) This year there were many tears of joy shed for this beautiful family moment surrounded by nature. : ) Look for our "apple kiss," Leia finding "the biggest one of them ALL!," the girls literally crying over spilt apples, and our fun ending mamma-activity "bath bobbing for apples"! What a fun, fun day!!! : ) And the irony of it all is, I used to drive right by Sky Top while I was at Furman, wishing that someday I would live there. . . . and now, . . . I DO! : )


Sarah said...

I wanna come next year! All the way down to the apple bath at the end. Looks like a perfect day.

Nina said...

There are some really awesome shots here!!!

Codruta said...

That is a nice way to end the apple picking day! Apples bath!