Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Gas Pumpin' & Pedal Pumpin'

Ah, Leia's latest fascinations. She wants to pump gas every single time we fill up, . . . and we're still not sure why (perhaps the feeling of being grown-up?), but she gets SUCH a thrill out of it. And then there is Leia's desire to learn how to bikeride. Well, not a desire to "learn" per-se, . . . just a desire to be able to do it. Ha! Today we went to a little church on the corner that has a small downhill slope and, I swear, Leia Rose rode by herself for about five seconds each time! However, when she figured out she was doing it, she suddenly got flustered and forget to steer and balance. It is such a different experience for Leia than when I learned to ride. I remember the exact PLACE in the driveway when I finally "got it" and never lost it. It's just not the same for Leia Rose. I wasn't expecting her to ride off by herself for five seconds and then plow into a grassy tuffet or two. LOL! But that didn't deter Annie from wanting to be like her big sister. : )

1 comment:

Nina said...

Back in the day, we didn't have helmets and kneepads to learn to ride! LOL
You could use Leia on rainy days to pump gas! LOL This could be very handy, Mom!