Monday, September 28, 2009

Mountain Kite-Flying, Sound-of-Music Style

"The hills are alive with the sound of music!" Those were the musical words on our lips today as we drove along the Blue Ridge Parkway to the soundtrack of my favorite movie of all time: The Sound of Music. (And a great way to continue introducing the movie to the two of them, by the way.) Today Mamma noticed it was windy and had a really fun idea: instead of going kite-flying in a valley, . . . go kite-flying on top of a mountain! I can't even relate how much fun this was. The kites were swirling around in circles so fast because of the erratic (and strong) wind that we were laughing the entire time! We even lost one. Our response? Laughter. Ha! My Facebook status update today said it all: "Noelle Therese went kite-flying on top of a mountain on the Blue Ridge Parkway today! I felt very Maria-Von-Trapp-ish. : )" It was truly a dream to be up there in the mountains with my girls having such fun. Leia's comment on the way home as we were belting out "So Long Farewell"? "This was the best day EVER!" ; )

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