Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Leia Tries Gymnastics

Although Leia Rose is truly a natural at ballet, she has expressed some real interest in trying gymnastics, so we stopped ballet for a six-week class at the Recreation Department. Looks like they get to try their hand at each apparatus! Her only beef: "floor exercises are boring"! Ha! (I wondered if she thought she would be doing flips right away.) ; ) It will be SO interesting to see which activity she chooses (gymnastics or ballet). It would take a lot for me to allow her to take both, . . . I have always felt that kids really need to have time to play. Our general rule is one group activity (such as ballet or gymnastics) and one solitary activity (such as playing an instrument) is enough for any elementary schooler.

1 comment:

Codruta said...

Leia can do everything she puts her mind to it, and I am sure she will be great at it!