Thursday, October 1, 2009

Annie's Third Birthday

Welcome to Annie's third birthday with a "berry" Strawberry Shortcake theme! Annie was amazed at all the gifts as she came downstairs in the morning! And Leia Rose was especially proud of the wrapping job she did for Annie's present: a Strawberry Shortcake Custard Kitty. And guess what, . . . just like on Annie's 1st birthday, the gift from Leia was Annie's FAVORITE present! Another favorite was the Apple Dumplin rag doll and the Strawberry Shortcake sheets from Oma! Of course, as planned, pretty much ALL of Annie's gifts were Strawberry Shortcake related. Lots of wonderful memories here! Annie even got a pair of Strawberry Shortcake light-up shoes just like her sister's and a little Strawberry Shortcake figure on a skateboard (that she pushed around the entire afternoon). Plus, Annie was thrilled to have a sprinkle doughnut for breakfast and our traditional tiny-cupcakes-in-the-shape-of-the-birthday-year cake for dinner dessert! But there was a point when, as usual, the cardboard party blowers seemed to be the most loved present of all! Ha! Oh, how HARD it was to have Annie hold up THREE fingers instead of her traditional two. Still, she found a couple different ways to do it (with much prompting). And the refrain of the day: "Mamma, where Tea-Time Turtle?!?" (That's Apple Dumplin's little turtle friend.) : )


Nina said...

What FUN!!!!!

Codruta said...

I am loving how Annie is counting/saying how old she is, with her fingers! That is so precious! What a wonderful way to start your birthday! Sweets!