Friday, October 16, 2009

Leia Reads St. Hedwig at Mass

Leia read a beautiful rendition of the biography of St. Hedwig today at the First Grade Mass. (And what a change from last year where Leia had to practice and practice! This time Leia Rose had it down in no time. Even Brother Michael was amazed at how well Leia Rose was reading!) Here is what she read:

"The Feast of Saint Hedwig: St. Hedwig was born in Bavaria about 1174. The daughter of a count, she was educated in a monastery. When she was only 12, she married Henry I, a duke in Poland. They had seven chidren. Hedwig was not only beautiful but a very kind woman as well."

But the highlight for her came afterward as she walked back to school, hand-in-hand with her very special Logan. : )

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