Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

With Annie as little Strawberry Shortcake and Leia as the Jedi named Ashoka Tano from Star Wars: The Clone Wars we had a really fun Halloween, . . . especially considering that Shenan was here to share in the fun as a scary skeleton and Armelle as Princess Leia! The girls began the festivities by making a light saber monument proclaiming "Happy Holaween Pere!" . . . because the bunny needed to have fun, too! : ) Then it was time for face paint (and I will NEVER use anything other than crayola washable markers again for face paint, . . . non toxic, washes right off, very bright colors, . . . perfect), so Leia got Ashoka's markings and Annie got Strawberry's freckles (which also helped to hide her scab from rubbing her nose too much). In a cloudy sky that turned into a heavy rain, we traversed the Meadows of Etowah and gave the elderly people there the time of their lives. It was really fun to see them smile so brightly at the children, give loads of candy, and then continue to peek out the door as these adorable four skipped to the next house. Then came the typical picture of the night: Leia, Shenan, and Armelle SPRINTING from house to house as Annie tried and tried to keep up. LOL! I think they would echo Seinfeld who says, "I think the one clear thought I had as a child was 'GET CANDY'!" Coming home, we continued the tradition of allowing the girls to eat whatever they wanted on this one night a year, . . . but before which we did a really neat activity from Shenan's school where they had to estimate the amount of candy they had and then count it all to see how close they were to being correct! Really neat! I also got a real kick out of three Annie things: 1. Annie came up to me and asked if she could have this "Crunch" bar. Which REALLY left me wondering if she READ the word on the bar . 2. Annie's very favorite candy was the Three Muskateers bar, . . . the same one that was MY favorite when I was little. 3. Annie learned the word "nuget" and then said it over and over again: "nuget, nuget, nuget, . . . nuget." LOL!


Codruta said...

Noelle, I am sure you had your touch all over this Halloween Party! It looks awesome!

Nina said...

Awesome costumes! :) You never miss a teaching opportunity! I don't think I could have slowed my kids down enough to count! LOL Good for you!