Sunday, November 1, 2009

Caverns & Clouds

Today we traversed a brand new mile-long hike to a beautiful waterfall with caverns behind it! It was just so wonderful to share the beauty of these mountains with our very special family friends! The girls gathered all sorts of leaf collections, climbed on the rocks in the cavern, and Annie even got to touch some real lichens! And I even got to have my special birthday meal at the Pisgah Inn on the VERY last day of the season! . . . I was actually pretty bummed to sit in a room full of windows to look out on only the white fog until Laura came to the rescue with, "What do you mean? We got to eat in a CLOUD!!!" What a great friend to put such a positive spin on it! : )


Codruta said...

It looks like you all had a wonderful time! Noelle, you are full of energy, never complaining, always ready to give your girls, and your family, and your friends, a time to remember! You are the best!

LauraW said...

Loved all your blogs about the exciting weekend we visited! We had a fabulous time!! You guys are the best:)