Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Late Build-A-Bear Birthday Gift

Here is something that Leia has ALWAYS wanted to do, . . . and was given as a gift for her birthday: a trip to Build-A-Bear to choose, create, and dress her own animal. Ironically, neither child chose an actual "bear." Ha! Leia chose a bunny, . . . and Annie chose a pink unicorn that she promptly named "Pink Star." : ) Lots of fun (and lots of expense)! : ) At the end was Leia using her imagination to design the clothes that she would like to buy for her build-a-bear. Her final chose was pretty close to her drawing! : )


Nina said...

Wow! The bunny and unicorn turned out really, really nice! :)

Codruta said...

I remember doing this with Denise, in San Francisco! We did not have it in our town back then!