Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Flat Stanley

What a wonderful first grade project!!! The class read a book called Flat Stanley about a boy who was flattened by a bulletin board, . . . and used his disfigurement to travel around the world. Then the children were given a month or two to send their own "Flat Stanley" to another state/country to see where Stanley could have some adventures. Flat Stanley made it to Mexico, Austrailia, Canada, France, and Leia's choice: JAPAN (as well as many other states in the USA). Here are the photos that Yukino sent back to us of Flat Stanley's adventures. (And a HUGE thank you to Yukino and Hiroko for being so wonderful in helping us with this project!) Flat Stanely in the grocery parking lot, Flat Stanley at a Japanese style confectionary, Flat Stanley at the bus stop, Flat Stanley at the shrine (where Yukino goes to worship God), and Flat Stanley at Yukino's school and even with Yukino's teacher!


Nina said...

Ooooh! I am very glad to see this post! Heather recently asked if I would do this in Canada for her niece! I didn't remember the story of Flat Stanley, so was going to pick it up at the library. Maybe I should do that anyway.

Codruta said...

I did love it so much! Stopped every day to see the pix and read the story behind the pix!