Sunday, November 29, 2009

Our Christmas Tree 2009

This year, I think Shoal Creek Tree Farm has found a family of customers for LIFE! Level lots, in the mountains, great size trees, . . . heck we chose the second one we looked at! : ) Ironically enough, the girls were more excited to play in Shoal Creek than frolic among the trees! Ha! We had fun singing "Jingle Bells" on the way home and also riding in the back of our neighbor's truck! Not to mention decorating the tree! Leia first claimed the top for her "kitty tree," and then proceeded to put the angel on the top herself! (First time!) Then it was time to decorate with all of our special ornaments. A few that the girls treasure each year: Leia's newborn bunny ornament and "curly cue" ornament (that holds the ribbon curl that Leia had around her pinky when she was only two months old), . . . not to mention Annie's "grapes" and Leia's "zeeeeba buns"! : ) And this entry just wouldn't be complete without one photo of how Brian usually looks during the whole process. : )


Nina said...

Brian looks like he is adjusting a mouse to straighten the tree! LOL

I hope the girls have the Mr. Willoughby's Christmas Tree book!

Codruta said...

Is nothing like going out to choose the Christmas tree!