Monday, November 9, 2009

A Playdate with Logan

No one is happier than Leia Rose to have a playdate with her boyfriend, Logan! (Plus Mamma gets the added bonus of being able to talk with her good friend, Christine!) I have never seen such an amazing spread at a playdate before in my life! Chocolate covered strawberries! Hot cider! And more! : ) The only downside was that Annie was scratched by the neighborhood cat that she tried to pet, . . . which ended her love for real kitties. : ( BUT she fell in love with Better Batter Baseball, . . . Santa might have to bring this! Oh, and look what I found on the way out? Written by Leia? Nope, written by LOGAN! LOL!

1 comment:

Codruta said...

I do love you and Christine and your children!