Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Read-A-Thon WINNER

Here is Leia Rose at the "Sub and Sundae Party" she was invited to because she was a class winner of this years Immaculata Read-A-Thon! : ) Leia Rose read almost 1500 pages this year in just one month, . . . and the two students behind her were only behind by a hundred pages or so! Leia also received a blue ribbon, key chain, and autograph bookworm (that her whole class signed), . . . along with the chance to win a trip to Toys R Us with the principal. Well, she didn't win the "grand prize," but it didn't matter, . . . she was thrilled regardless! And what a fun fundraiser for Mamma to be in charge of!!! : ) (My very special gift to the school!) : ) And I was SO proud of Leia for choosing Morgan as her "guest" at the party, . . . Morgan came in second in the class. Leia: what a great kid! : )


Nina said...

Cool, very cool!!!! Congratulations! And what a sweet girl to invite the runner up.

Codruta said...

You did so good, Noelle! The best ever!