Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pumpkin Carving (a little late)

I wasn't going to let the fact that Halloween was a few days ago prevent us from carving our pumpkins! There has simply been SO much going on (both birthdays, visitors, etc.) that we had to prioritize. Still, pumpkin carving can still be a peach of a fall project! : ) Leia was VERY interested in truly "helping" with the carving this year. Annie was VERY adamant on NOT touching the slime. LOL. Annie has always been my tactile child, . . . and if she doesn't like the feel of something, then she won't have anything to do with it. (Another example is how she HATES the feel of any wet on her clothes.) I think this is the fifth year that we've used the same "kitty cat" stencil for our pumpkin. The girls ALWAYS choose that one, . . . why mess with perfection? LOL. Then we always paint smaller pumpkins (this year I would use the same pumpkins to make pumpkin butter during the Christmas season), . . . and Leia painted a "little girl and a ghost, . . . and this side is the close up of the face." While Annie pained a "gray sparkley kitty." : ) And don't forget seed-roasting! : )


Nina said...

Better late than never!!! ha!

Codruta said...

Carving pumpkins? How much fun is that? Tons of fun!