Sunday, October 4, 2009

Annie's Strawberry Shortcake Birthday Party

Happy Birthday Annie, Strawberry Shortcake style!!! Today was Annie's Strawberry Shortcake birthday party, and lots of fun was had by all! Invited was Aubrie, Alexis, Leia, Annie, Grandma, Mamma, & Daddy. At Annie's request, we began by dressing her in full Strawberry Shortcake costume and dancing to the "Strawberry Shake." : ) Then we played musical chairs, made chocolate covered strawberries, and played pin-the-strawberry on Strawberry Shortcake. It wasn't long before Annie was begging for the pinata (which I was very proud of making myself, . . . and although it looked beautiful it wasn't 100% functional in that it was pulled down before its flap came open. Ha! Ah, well. I've learned now for Leia's party)! Amidst the candy in the pinata were charm bracelets and jewels to make some special gifts for our guests, so there were lots of fun craft projects, too! When it was time for cake, I asked Annie which part of the strawberry bear she would like and she said, "the face!" So, that's what she got. Her favorite gift today? A Strawberry Shortcake rag doll from the Retzbachs! I think we can all agree that the whole day was "berry" special! : )


Nina said...

What an Adorable birthday child and birthday party idea!!!! It looks like everything was over the top! Gee... if only Kevin and I could have come! We were only 5 hours away... :\ We were at his across-the-street neighbor's 5 yr. old party.

Nina said...

How wonderful to have the messy part of the party out on your beautiful deck where the clean up is a cinch! And to have perfect weather too!!!

Codruta said...

Annie looks so happy! Leia is genuinely happy for her sister! It is wonderful to see that! Noelle, you are a great Mamma, I hope you know that!