Saturday, October 3, 2009

Outback / Toy Story Mini-Party

Why confine Annie's birthday to simply one day, we asked? : ) Today we went to pick up the free cake I won from the Immaculata Auction last year (to use at Annie's birthday party) and little did I know that it came with a personal cake as well! So we went to the Outback to celebrate, with numerous other patrons approaching Annie and asking her how old she was. She was very happy to tell them all about it, . . . and the most common comment of servers these days? "Wow, she's so HAPPY!" Ha! : ) And as a special treat, we spent the day at the Toy Story 3D double feature! What a fun late-birthday gift! (But if Annie would just have worn the glasses she would have been able to see the 3D effects. Ha!) Notice that Annie's clutching Custard in every picture. : )


Nina said...

Birthdays should be week-long events! :) When is Annie's actual date?

Codruta said...

Annie knows how to party! Thank God other people celebrate all month long! I know we do!