Monday, October 26, 2009

Leia Rose Turns Seven

In the tradition of our October Birthdays, Leia Rose (and Mamma, who was even worse off) had to stay home from school today from sickness. But that didn't stop us from giving Leia Rose the best birthday ever! You can even see the little Star Wars figures holding the tickets to "Star Wars: In Concert" that Leia will attend in November! Lots of favorite presents, . . . but the one she liked the best was the baby T-Rex from Oma and Papa! She also got the set of Toy Story dolls, . . . that she actually forgot she asked for, . . . and her most requested present: a dinosaur named "Screature" which is quite scary, I must say. He roars, chomps, glares, and spits water at you! Leia also got some outfits to match her American Girl doll clothes and our special mini cupcakes shaped in the number of the day: 7. And I just love how Leia Rose announced her birthday with her "I em 7!" sign, . . . and that "am" is spelled wrong and the number 7 is backwards, . . . twice. It won't be long and we won't see any mistakes like that anymore. These are precious, precious days.


Codruta said...

The best ever cupcakes! Light as air, fresh strawberry frosting! I did not say anything about the cake, what was I thinking?! Words do no justice! Did you all see the cake? The Star Wars cake? It was as good as it looks, only better! I wish you were there! Noelle needs to share her breakfast secrets, also!

Nina said...

Seven years old?!! Can that be?!