Friday, July 8, 2022

Texas 2022 : The Chosen Staging Area

 After we were in the staging area, we found this one little tree where we could get some shade during the day. We immediately set up camp there! The family below sat bybus for a while. We couldn't believe the bravery of some of these families!! The chosen staff had this very well planned out with many port-a-potties, a store, a stage,, a tent for food, a tent for water, many tents with tables and chairs for us to sit, and also a tent with props. Unfortunately, we didn't know about the prop tent until after we left!  Some people were most excited about the stage because there were many Christian artists who played throughout the day, there was even a time when all of the actors went on stage! Luckily, we were on the main set at the time and had the most time filming of most anyone! When filming was happening, there was a notice on the stage that asked for quiet filming was in progress.

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